Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nightmare Fuel Corner: creepypasta

Speaking of pasta! (Yes, dumb segue, I know, but bear with me here.) Speaking of pasta, it's time to introduce what I call Nightmare Fuel Corner. If you don't know what Nightmare Fuel is, go look it up on TV Tropes. I won't point you there, because t's easy to get lost and never come out.

Anywho! A creepypasta is what it sounds like: a creepy story. The main home is at the creepypasta website, but Something Awful came up with the granddaddy of them all: the Slender Man. (That'll be a topic for another time.) What constitutes a creepypasta depends mostly on what gives you the willies. What's scary to one person can be unintentional comedy to another.

Recommended reading time: not at night or during a storm if you're timid.
Rating on the Kelrian Scale: three out of five doughnuts


  1. Pesto. Mmmmm.....

    But..."Bullet for Prisoner"? Sounds like something that goes on at the Cheney household rather than the things normal people play Scrabble.

  2. Lord Randolph DunsbarAugust 12, 2010 at 8:04 PM

    My good man: Wrong post.

    Although, now that you mention it, Dick Cheney is about the biggest creepypasta that ever walked the Earth.

    Nevermind. Spot on!
