Friday, August 13, 2010


Goooood morning, blogosphere! It's a lovely day out there and here I am, holding down the metaphorical fort. Looks like we've got some comments already. Gotta love it, eh? It's kind of sad to post and never get anything back in return.

So here's a challenge for you, faithful readers (all two of you at the moment). Tell me: given the resources, time, and whatever else you need, what would you want to do with your life? Any far-off countries you'd want to visit? Any ideas you want to turn into the next pet rock? Anything at all, you just name it.

The best will get shared in my next blog entry if you give me permission to. It's not fair to steal from you, after all.

1 comment:

  1. Lord Randolph DunsbarAugust 13, 2010 at 3:28 PM

    I think Oscar Wilde had something to say on blog postings that went unread. Undoubtedly, it was wickedly funny and witty. Then again, maybe it wasn't him. Couldn't say at the moment.....

    I, for one, am doing with my life exactly what I wanted.

    But what about YOU, my dear?

    We faceless and faithful readers await your words....

